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Eating outside in Linyi Hotel
发布时间:2013-01-04 21:04:24 作者:王思捷  发布者:xbbh 浏览次数:3500  类别:英文作文  
[大学二年级] 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 临沂大学

Today is January 4th, 2013, a special day whose number can be read as a sentence ----“ai ni yi sheng yi shi” which means I love you forever. So today is also a chance for the couples in campus. Considering I am a single man, I decided to go to Linyi Hotel instead of getting together with girlfriends. I set off at 6:10 p.m.

  It is dark and cold outside. Since the traffic was not so heavy in the road, cars ran very fast, symbolizing that Linyi is a busy city. I was on my bike along the road and my fingers were almost freezing. About 20 minutes later, I arrived at Linyi Hotel.

  After coming into the hall, warm air attached to me, making me feel as if I were in my own home. It also reminded me of my great grandmother who died 3 years ago because the air was similar with it in her house where I would have my dinner in festival days. I was a little sad.

   I ordered three dishes one of which was roasted meat with cucumber and green Chinese onion. The meat was little and it was full in fat but does not make men feel quite ill. I ate it up and felt I was full. So I drank my tea and looked through the window.


  • 批改教师:李晨超 ( )
    批改时间:2013/2/9 19:57:54

    Today is January 4th, 2013, a special day whose number can be read as a sentence ----“ai ni yi sheng yi shi” which means I love you forever. So today is also a chance for the couples in campus. Considering I am a single man, I decided to go to Linyi Hotel instead of getting together with girlfriends. I set off at 6:10 p.m.

      It is dark and cold outside. Since the traffic was not so heavy in the road, cars ran very fast, symbolizing that Linyi is a busy city. I was on my bike along the road and my fingers were almost freezing. About 20 minutes later, I arrived at Linyi Hotel.

      After coming into the hall, warm air attached to me, making me feel as if I were in my own home. It also reminded me of my great grandmother who died 3 years ago because the air was similar with it in her house where I would have my dinner in festival days. I was a little sad.

       I ordered three dishes one of which was roasted meat with cucumber and green Chinese onion. The meat was little and it was full in fat but does not make men feel quite ill. I ate it up and felt I was full. So I drank my tea and looked through the window.


    点评: 在这个很多年轻人觉得值得纪念的日子里,你独享了一顿美餐。这是一片日记吗?为什么以以未完待续结尾?很期待看到你的续。

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