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Ice Bucket Challenge, Yes or No?
发布时间:2022-01-02 21:05:19 作者:张晓静  发布者:1193295705 浏览次数:1707  类别:中文作文  
[小学一年级] 内蒙古自治区 >> 呼和浩特市 >> 玉泉区 >> 昭君路街道

     Although Ice Bucket Challenge has been a sensational activity to raise funds for a little known disease called ALS, discrepancy over this activity never ceases, with spectrum of opinions running from enthusiastic praise to severe criticism. Most supporters endorse well-intended Ice Bucket Challenge, in that it not only garners monetary donation in pragmatic lens, but also foster people’s awareness of ALS, which will contribute to find treatments for the patients stretching an appealing prospect. Nonetheless, not a few opponents air their complaint, denouncing that Ice Bucket Challenge with entertainment and commercial tendencies, as a wasteful exercise for water resource, may cause physical harm to certain vulnerable people.

    From my perspective, overemphasizing the entertainment and commercial performance instead of charitable gestures is no doubt putting the cart before the horse. To start with, whilst fundraising can take numerous forms, the discussion for the form of the charity should not be higher than the charity itself. Focusing too much attention on the antics of celebrities and entrepreneurs may undermine public attention about the charity itself and even ignore whether the charitable donations actually reach the people in need. Besides, they waste precious water in the guise of charity. As public figures these people are likely to be imitated for their water-wasting behavior, which distracts people from drough and environmental problems. Lastly, it is not recommended for people to do this challenge from the perspective of health. A sudden drop of a large bucket of ice water from the head may damage the cervical spine if the strength and height are not controlled properly. If people with poor physical resistance and immunity do ice bucket challenge, it is easy to cause germs to take the opportunity to enter and cause diseases.

    From what has been discussed above, ice bucket challenge is never to be the best benevolence as it’s prone to negative influence. Under moral pressure, compulsory donations with excessive entertainment may trigger damage to human right of life and hazard on social undertakings and ecological development sustainably.

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