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My Information Sources
发布时间:2013-05-16 21:35:26 作者: 王相容  发布者:P110711206 浏览次数:8322  类别:英文作文   优秀指数:
[大学二年级] 甘肃省 >> 兰州市 >> 榆中县 >> 夏官营镇

  Today, with the tecenology developing quickly,there are many means of getting information

  Firstly, the tradditional method,such as books , magazins and other written materials. All of these are usually kept orderly but sometimes they are difficult to look up what we need.

  Secondly, with the extensive use of Internet, a large number of people make use of Internet as an crucial source of information. We just need to click the mouse to obtain considerble results. Therefore, the difficulty is how to choose the necessary information. nternet helps me really a lot. I enjoy searching information throgh Internet.

  Other sources of information include talking with other people, visit museums , and so on.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2013/5/17 17:00:32

      Today, with the tecenology developing(the develoment of tecenology) quickly,there are many means of getting information

      Firstly, the tradditional(taditionail) method,such as books , magazins(magazines) and other written materials. All of these are usually kept orderly but sometimes they are(It is) difficult to look up what we need.

      Secondly, with the extensive useing of Internet, a large number of people make use of Internet as an crucial source of information source. We just need to click the mouse to obtain considerble results. Therefore, the difficulty is how to choose the necessary information. nternet(Internet) really helps me really a lot. I enjoy searching information throgh(on the) Internet.

      Other sources of information include talking with other people, visiting museums(museaums)  and so on.

  • 批改教师:陈伟 ( 山东省 >> 烟台市 >> 烟台工贸技师学院 )
    批改时间:2013/5/18 14:57:11

      Today, with the tecenology developing quickly(with the rapid developing of  technology),there are many means of getting information. (more and more ways of which we can take advantage to get information appear.)

      Firstly, the tradditional (traditional) method (involves referring to many available materials), such as (which include) books , magazins (magazines) and other written materials. All of these are usually kept orderly but sometimes they are difficult to (be used to) look up what we need.

      Secondly, (along) with the extensive use of Internet, a large number of people make use of (regard) Internet as an (a) crucial source of information (information source).We just need to click the mouse to obtain considerble results(the information we want). Therefore (However), the difficulty is how to choose the necessary information (abstract the useful information from the masses of data). nternet (Internet) helps me really a lot. I enjoy searching information throgh (through the) Internet.

      Other sources of information include talking with other people, visit (visiting) museums, and so on.


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