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发布时间:2013-05-29 23:06:05 作者:王思捷  发布者:xbbh 浏览次数:3010  类别:英文作文   优秀指数:★★
[大学二年级] 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 临沂大学

When I wrote down the word, I realize it’s a sensitive and difficult topic to discuss. So far, I haven’t experienced the affair yet. The concept of love or being loved by the girl is still a blank for me. I even don’t know the feeling of holding a girl’s hand and hug her body.

  But I can still make the girl who has fallen into the love river admire me, for I think more than any other of them. As far as I concerned, love can refer to four meanings.

  Love refers to admiration. When you say “I love you.” to celebrities, the sentence indicates that you admire him or her. You admire him or her charming voice and appearance, hardworking, honors and money. However, all of them gather one sentence when you meet him or her in the fresh----I love you.

 Love is on behalf of care. When your parents say “I love you” to their children, it means that they take great care of them to keep them from being harmed. Parents’ love is honey, is a tree that gives us a shade to prevent sun-burned.

 Love stands for sex. It’s the sex that make the distinction between the love in couples and in other people vividly. When you say “I love you” to your girlfriend or boyfriend, it refers that you want to have a baby with her or him. Before you do that, the necessity of consideration is badly needed. If you don’t have enough money, knowledge or proper age, please abandon it.

  Love means devotion. When you say “I love you” to motherland, it’s shown that you’ll spend all your life time, making her beautiful and powerful.

  It’s impossible to list the whole meanings of love. So let’s feel it from the bottom of heart in limited ages.

  • 批改教师:陈伟 ( 山东省 >> 烟台市 >> 烟台工贸技师学院 )
    批改时间:2013/5/31 22:20:02

    When I wrote down the word, I realize it’s a sensitive and difficult topic to discuss. So far, I haven’t experienced the affair yet. The concept of love or being loved by the girl is still a blank for to me. I even don’t know the feeling of holding a girl’s hand and hug hugging her body.

      But I can still make the girl who has fallen into the love river admire me, for I think more than any other of them I'm more thinkful than any other of them when consider problems. As far as I am  concerned, love can refer to four meanings.

      Love refers to admiration. When you say “I love you.” to celebrities a celebrity, the sentence indicates that you admire him or her. You admire him his or her charming voice and appearance, hardworking, honors and money. However, all of them gather The sentence,however,grows out of all of them when you meet him or her in the fresh----I love you.

     Love is on behalf of care. When your parents say “I love you” to their children, it means that they take great care of them to keep them from being harmed. Parents’ love is honey, which is a tree that gives us a shade to prevent sun-burned.

     Love stands for sex. It’s the sex that makes the distinction between the love in couples and in other people vividly. When you say “I love you” to your girlfriend or boyfriend, it refers that you want to have a baby with her or him. Before you do that, the necessity of consideration is badly needed. If you don’t have enough money, knowledge or proper age, please abandon it.

      Love means devotion. When you say “I love you” to motherland, it’s shown that you’ll spend all your life time, making her beautiful and powerful.

      It’s impossible to list the whole meanings of love. So let’s feel it from the bottom of heart in limited ages.


    Comments: Love is really a beautiful dream and all of us want to seek it. Wish you could start the journey of love as soon as possible.

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