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发布时间:2013-05-30 20:56:36 作者:陈艳梅  发布者:jane2013 浏览次数:3129  类别:英文作文  
[大学二年级] 甘肃省 >> 兰州市 >> 榆中县 >> 夏官营镇

Spring Sowing ,this text describing a newly-wedded couple had their first spring sowing . Through descriptions of their spring planting in minute detail ,the young couple had shown their life and dreams.
 The Telephone ,this passage represents,from a boy's perspective ,how the telephone affected people's life in a Lebanese mountain village : It broke the seclusion of the village.
 Firstly ,comparison between where the two stories happened and what kind of life did people want to pursue. Both the two stories happened in two seclusion villages.Spring Sowing,this text did not say changes happened ,but in some details ,it refer us the couple had dreams to pursue other life styles ; The Telephone ,because of the telephone ,many people left the village for big cities or foreign countries to find good jobs and better life.
 Secondly, contrasting the characters and the life conditions between the two texts. Spring Sowing had two characters ,the couple.The other's characters were me and other villagers. Spring Sowing ,in this text ,the background was a traditional agricultural country,there were no modern science and technology.But , in the second text ,telephone coming and brought big changes into the village .
 In my opinions ,both two texts happened before the process of modernization ,and people's life in The Telephone was developed quicker than that in Spring Sowing .But maybe one day ,life in Spring Sowing also will be changed like the Lebanese village.
  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2013/5/30 22:42:08

    Comments: I haven't read them before so I have no idea to comment in details. I suggest you change the passage next time.

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