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A convercation about a bag
发布时间:2013-10-26 16:51:38 作者:颜廷毅  发布者:qfyty 浏览次数:3621  类别:英文作文   优秀指数:
[初中三年级] 山东省 >> 济宁市 >> 曲阜市


When Jim, Mike, and Mary leave the classroom this afternoon, they found a schoolbag in the hallway. They opened the schoolbag and then they found a football, a CD card, a yellow T-shirt and a hair band. Jim said: There is a hairband, so the bag’s owner cant be a boy.” I don’t agree. he might be buying for his mother.” Mike said, Oh, the classical music CD! So the people could be John. He loves classical music very much.” Yeah , and he is in the school football team, too.” Mary said, Let’s go and find him, he must be in the play ground now.”

  • 批改教师:陈伟 ( 山东省 >> 烟台市 >> 烟台工贸技师学院 )
    批改时间:2013/10/30 21:10:58


    When Jim, Mike, and Mary leave left the classroom this afternoon, they found a schoolbag in the hallway. They opened the schoolbag and then they found a football, a CD card, a yellow T-shirt and a hair band. Jim said: There is a hairband, so the bag’s owner can't be a boy.” I don’t agree. he might be buying have bought for his mother.” Mike said, Oh, the classical music CD! So the people could that must be John. He loves classical music very much.” Yeah , and he is in the school football team, too.” Mary said, Let’s go and find him, he must be in the play ground now.”


    点评:颜廷毅同学的语言组织比较合理,基本没有语法错误,这不错,需要继续努力。在以后的日子里,希望你能够在语言的流畅度,以及一些小的知识点的正确使用方面再下点功夫。像本文中,删除一些重复的主语,以及用相关代词代替掉一些名词,会让句子显得更加简洁流利;另外,还要注意情态动词的正确合理使用,像表示对过去事实的推测应该用:情态动词+have done

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