The way to the school
发布时间:2013-12-03 18:12:09 作者:刘晓慧 发布者:liuxiaohui 浏览次数:2895 类别:英文作文 优秀指数:★
[小学六年级] 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 罗庄区 >> 黄山镇 >> 黄山镇中心小学
The way to the school
My home is near.Usually I go to school on foot.Sometime I go to school by bike.My friend Liu Shang'home is far from the school,so he goes to school by bus or by car. | | |
批改教师:杜宝红 ( 山东省 >> 泰安市 >> 岱岳区 >> 泰山菁华双语学校 )
批改时间:2014/1/15 18:20:35
The way to the school
My home is near the school.Usually I go to school on foot.Sometime Sometimes I go to school by bike.My friend Liu Shang'home is far from the school,so he goes to school by bus or by car.