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language transfer
发布时间:2014-03-09 08:58:10 作者:肖叶  发布者:YYZZW 浏览次数:3212  类别:英文作文  
[大学四年级] 海南省 >> 三亚市 >> 育才镇

As the most widely-spoken language, English has been attached importance by Chinese educators. In the so-called “globe village” age, economic globalization is proceeding and the cooperation and communication has becoming more and more frequent. Therefore, as a tool of communication, the important of English is intensifying with the time goes by. Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four main parts in learning a language. As a written language form, English writing has its importance and necessity in delivering information and expressing emotions. In order to learn English well, students should weigh importance on English learning and improving. As for senior students, English writing is a sign to reflect one’s English level. It can test students’ integrative competence. English writing nor only requires students have basic language knowledge to use punctuations, spell words and choose words and make sentences, but also demand students to express their ideas creatively in line with the English thinking ways. Chinese and English belong to two different language families. The former is Sino-Tibetan Family and the latter is Indo-European Family. Thus, the two languages have a lot of differences. Chinese is parataxis language and English is hypotaxis language. In Chinese, people can change the meaning by using functional words and adjusting words and expressions’ order. However, English is always using lots of grammar markers to express the number and genitive of nouns and pronouns, times and voices of verbs, and the comparative degree or superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs. Even the functions of functional words are different between the two languages. For example, English uses articles frequently while Chinese has no articles. The differences between Chinese and English give rise to the influences (especially negative influences) and disturb in Chinese students’ English writing, especially the negative impact the Chinese has brought in learning English. Thus, the Chinese has a negative language transfer in English. Due to the negative impact Chinese has brought, this paper is going to discuss the negative language transfer. English writing takes up a large percent in College Entrance English Examination, so writing is an important part to learn and master. Thus the discussion of senior English writing has a great significance. However, the times, voices and collocations are difficult parts in senior English learning. Errors and mistakes happen frequently. Chinese Learners English Corpus (CLEC) has collected about two hundred thousand words of senior students’ English writing corpus. It also analyzed the frequency and error types of verbs of those writing corpus. Therefore, the results and findings the CLEC has concluded are convincing and effective. Based on the statistics the CLEC has done, this paper will discuss and analyze the top ten frequently used verbs in English writing in the grade one in Suichuan No. 2 Senior Middle School. One hundred students’ authentic writings are collected as context corpus, which are completed under the supervision of the English teacher. There are three main questions needing discuss in this paper. Firstly, what are the top ten frequently used verbs in senior writing according to CLEC? Secondly, how are the ten verbs being used in Suichuan No.2 Senior Middle School? Three, according to the differences of the usage of the ten verbs between Chinese students and native students, how should Chinese students learn verbs effectively?

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