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发布时间:2014-04-21 09:05:18 作者:张淞珲  发布者:277060901 浏览次数:3178  类别:英文作文  
[大学五年级] 辽宁省 >> 大连市 >> 沙河口区 >> 星海湾街道

        Positive stereotype is given to Asians and Asians_Americans  in the United states,patically with regard to cogitive ability and academic achievement .However ,no study has examined whether the positive stereotypes this group receieves could create a halo effect--------extend more generally to other domains.It's also unclear whether in-group biases would serve to depress ratings that Caucasians made of Asians.In this paper,We deveploped three studies.In study 1,we wanted todetermine the degree ti which Caucasians and Asians shared a bias in favor of Asian's mathmatical abilities .In study 2 and 3,we wanted to determine whether this bias would extend to lauguage writing abilities and the assignment of favorable and unfavoeable character traits to each group.Over the couse of three studies,we faound that caucasian university students showed positive Out-geoup bias toward Asian in a variety of domains including those irrelevant to the predominant stereotypes
  • 批改教师:陈伟 ( 山东省 >> 烟台市 >> 烟台工贸技师学院 )
    批改时间:2014/4/24 19:19:52

            Positive stereotype is given to Asians and Asians_Americans are often stereotyped positively in the United states, patically particularly with regard to cogitive ability and academic achievement . However , no study has examined whether the positive stereotypes this group receieves receive could create a halo effect--------extending more generally to other domains .It's also unclear whether in-group biases would serve to depress ratings that Caucasians made of Asians. In this paper,We deveploped three studies. In study 1,we wanted to determine the degree ti towhich Caucasians and Asians shared a bias in favor of Asian's mathmatical abilities . In study 2 and 3,we wanted to determine whether this bias would extend to lauguage writing abilities and the assignment of favorable and unfavoeable character traits to each group.Over the couse of three studies,we faound that caucasian university students showed positive Out-geoup bias toward Asian in a variety of domains including those irrelevant to the predominant stereotypes.

    Observe some other abstracts in professional journals carefully and notice the main points that the authors chose to mention in the abstract.


  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/4/24 20:12:34
            Positive stereotype is given to Asians and Asians_Americans  in the United states,patically with regard to cogitive ability and academic achievement .However ,no study (research) has examined (demonstrated) whether the positive stereotypes in this group receieves could create a halo effect---extend more generally to other domains.It's also unclear whether in-group biases would serve to depress ratings that Caucasians made (is a branch) of Asians.In this paper,We deveploped (have had) three studies.In study 1,we wanted to determine the degree ti which (thatCaucasians and Asians shared a bias in favor of Asian's mathmatical abilities .In study 2 and 3,we wanted to determine whether this bias would extend to lauguage writing abilities and the assignment of favorable and unfavoeable character traits to (in) each group.Over (From) the couse of three studies,we faound that caucasian university students showed positive Out-geoup bias toward Asian in a variety of domains including those irrelevant to the predominant stereotypes
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