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What we can not afford to lose
发布时间:2012-09-13 21:00:53 作者:宋亚杰  发布者:songyajie250 浏览次数:5767  类别:中文作文   优秀指数:
[高中三年级] 河北省 >> 石家庄市 >> 桥西区

Good afternoon everyone. I am very happy to be here to share some of my thought on today`s topic. What we can not afford to lose. Have you ever been troubled by this question? Well, I did.  Maybe you think it is life or money .At my point of view it is love.

As we all know love is a universal language which can go beyond any cultural  barriers. N o matter if I say “ I love you” in English or in Chinese , love can all be felt immediately. The great gift that everyone can receive is being shown how to love .it also means to love everyone with a strong sense of responsibility.

There was a person I want to mention :  a woman who was the first famous person to shake hands with HIV sufferers  and worked for AIDS charities in 1987 ,a woman who paid frequent visits to ANGOLA where a large number of people were suffering from severe landmine injuries .a woman who is loved by millions of people for the way she loved others .Her name was Diana.

Love is not a single act, but a life time adventure in which we are always learning, discovering, growing. It is neither destroyed by a single failure nor won by a single kiss. It can only be achieved through patience and understanding.

Dear friends, remember we love the world not because it is beautiful but it is beautiful because we love it. It is love that makes the world go around.

Thank you

  • 批改教师:王天艳 ( 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 罗庄区 >> 黄山镇 >> 黄山镇英语备课组 )
    批改时间:2012/9/17 19:44:33

    Good afternooneveryone. I am very happy to be here to share some of my thoughts on today`s topic. What we can not afford to lose. Have you ever been troubled by this question? Well, I did.  Maybe you think it is life or money .At my point of view In my opinion, it is love.

    As we all knowlove is a  an universal language which can go beyond any cultural  barriers. No matter if I say “ I love you” in English or in Chinese , love can all be felt immediately. The greatest gift that everyone can ever receive is being shown how to love .it  It also means to love everyone with a strong sense of responsibility.

    There was a person I want to mention :  a woman who was the first famous person to shake hands with HIV sufferers and worked

    work for AIDS charities in 1987 ,a woman who paid frequent visits to ANGOLA where a large number of people were suffering from severe landmine injuries a woman who is loved by millions of people for

    as the way as she loved others .Her name was Diana.

    Love is not a single act, but a life time adventure in which we are always

    often learning, discovering, growing. It is neither destroyed by a single failure nor won by a single kiss. It can only be achieved through patience and understanding.

    Dear friends, remember we love the world not because it is beautiful but it is beautiful because we love it. It is love that makes the world go around.

    Thank you

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