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What is the meaningful life
发布时间:2014-11-03 22:51:16 作者:周思瑶  发布者:water 浏览次数:5854  类别:英文作文  
[大学五年级] 四川省 >> 成都市 >> 成华区 >> 建设路街道

                          What is the meaningful life
   What is the meaningful life?Someone argue that living a powerful and rich life is a vital meaningful life,a part of people like living in their own world,and other people would rather live a simple and ordinary life,and so on.So everyone has different opinion.                                     
   In my eyes and mind, to have a meaningful life is to have good family and keep healthy. At first I also want to make much money and live a rich life with my family.However,one thing changes my thoughts completely that I was serious ill when I was just a freshman in the college and had no close and trusted friends .After I was at a loss, I mustered courage to give my family a call.While I heard my mother's voice on the phone, I suddenly cried.Mom always comforted me and said, "if you were sick ,we would take you to treat in hospital .Medical technology is now so advanced and everything will be okay......"Suddenly a kind of power I felt supported me,I was faced with my ill and that our school wanted me to drop out due to fears of disease which may be infected.Even though the doctor said my ill was not infection,the school also observed a period of my ill. I was afraid of own learning , fear no friends....my parents told me that healthy body is the most important things for me .I obediently took medicine on time and tried to eat all kinds of healthy food even though I had a poor appetite,whether I became fat or ugly no longer matters.  
   More than a month later, I went back to school .When I was determined to learn , God made fun of me--because of the side effects of drugs, I often felt dizzy and joint pain and sometimes I would really rather die than live .Looking at my classmates, I           begun to realize how important health is. I thought of study as an important thing and did not like sports in the past.Regretting what had happened and blaming myself ,because ,at the beginning,I did not know how to cherish and what is really right.
   Sometimes we could feel disappointed because of facing with adversity in our own life.After we went through it,but in retrospect,we will gain what we never anticipate,such as,we become mature and there is a new definition for our life.Therefore I can't agree with the author's point of view any more.Perhaps we have similar experiences. 

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/11/4 13:25:29
    What is the meaningful life
       What is the meaningful life?Someone argue that living (leading) a powerful and rich life is a vital meaningful life,a part of people like living in their own world,and other people would rather live a simple and ordinary (primitive) life,and so on.So everyone has different opinion.

       In my eyes and mind, to have a meaningful life is to have a good family and keep healthy. At first I also want to make much money and live (lead) a rich life with my family.However,one thing changes my thoughts completely that

       I was serious ill when I was just a freshman in the college and had no close and trusted friends .After I was at a loss, I mustered courage to give my family a call.While I heard my mother's voice on the phone, I suddenly cried.Mom always comforted me and said, "if you were sick ,we would take you to treat in hospital .Medical technology is now so advanced and everything will be okay......"Suddenly a kind of power (flow of warm) I felt supported (surrounded) me,I was able to faced with my ill and that (but) our (my) school wanted me to drop out due to fears of disease which (because my illness) may be infected (separate so that my schoolmates would be inflected).Even though the doctor said my ill was not infection,the school (I was still) also observed (examined for) a period of my ill (time). I was afraid of own learning , and fear no friends....my parents told me that healthy body is the most important things for me .I obediently took medicine on time and tried to eat all kinds of healthy food even though I had a poor appetite,whether I became fat or ugly no longer matters.

       More than a month later, I went back to school .When I was determined to learn , God made fun of me--because of the side effects of drugs, I often felt dizzy and joint pain and sometimes I would really rather (prefered to) die rather than live .Looking at (Compraring with) my classmates, I begun (began) to realize how important the health is. I thought of study as an important thing and did not like sports in the past.Regretting what had happened and blaming myself ,because ,at the beginning,I did not know how to cherish and what is really right.
       Sometimes we could feel disappointed because of facing with adversity in our own life.After we went through it,but in retrospect,we will gain what we never anticipate (experienced before),such as,we become mature and there is (get) a new definition for (of) our life (lives).Therefore I can't agree with the author's point of view any more.Perhaps we have similar experiences.

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