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Campus love
发布时间:2014-11-16 21:13:56 作者:阿方  发布者:cinderella_2014 浏览次数:3368  类别:英文作文  
[大学五年级] 北京市 >> 海淀区 >> 学院路街道

When people talk about love, they often mention the words: intimate, happiness, romantic, cheerful and so on. They regard love as the most beautiful and perfect thing in the world. However, there is something ignored that it also needs plenty of time and energy to maintain a relationship. Falling in love with someone means missing the one everywhere, every moment, so that life is out of control. This has some negative impacts on one’s daily work, especially school work.

Parents and teachers always emphasize that students should take focus on studying during school time. They probably worry once students begin a relationship, these children will be left behind by their classmates. Parents’ worry can be acceptable to some degree, because it could occupy students’ studying time to develop a relationship. Campus couples spend more time to communicate; share and pay close attention to each other than to concentrate on learning. Particularly, if they break up, the failure of love will do harm to the development of their mental healthy. 

The reason why most parents and teachers prevent their children from puppy love is that campus love has a great chance to hinder student’s academic progress. Moreover it is likely to be fruitless after graduation.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/11/16 22:25:48

    When people talk about love, they often mention the words: intimate (intimation) happiness, romantic (romancecheerful (cheers) and so on. They regard love as the most beautiful and perfect thing in the world. However, there is something ignored (also an opinion argues) that it also needs plenty of time and energy to maintain a relationship. Falling in love with someone means missing the one (him or her) everywhere, every moment, so that life is out of control. This has some negative impacts on one’s daily work, especially school work.

    Parents and teachers always emphasize that students should take focus on studying during school time. They probably worry that once students begin a relationship (an ambiguous friendship) these children (they) will be left behind by their classmates. Parents’ worry (worries) can be acceptable to some degree (in some cases) because it could occupy students’ studying time to develop a relationship (spend their romance time) Campus couples spend more time to communicate;(in chatting) share (sharing with each other) and paying close attention to each other than to concentrate(ing) on learning. Particularly, if they break up, the failure of love will do harm to the development of their mental healthy.

    The reason why most parents and teachers prevent their children from puppy love is that campus love has a great chance to hinder student’s academic progress. Moreover it is likely to be fruitless after graduation.

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