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A trip to Guilin
发布时间:2014-12-16 22:18:06 作者:lisa  发布者:shanshan 浏览次数:3649  类别:英文作文  
[大学二年级] 浙江省 >> 温州市 >> 瓯海区 >> 茶山街道

    It was a graduation trip. We finally decided to end our high school time with a trip. 
    The twenty-hour train transported us to Guilin, the city where the scenery is the best in the world.
    The long hours on the train was much more interesting than I had thought. There were four sleepers in each individual room. We chatted,played cards and watched movies together as if in the dormitory. Then we got the definition the second morning. 
    I was surprised that Guilin was a city without so many high buildings. Blue sky and soft clouds could be seen clearly without shelters, which was totally different from modern cities such as Shanghai or hangzhou. 
    Although the fantastic sceneries and yummy foods we experienced during those days were attractive and unforgettable, the most impressive memory for me was the precious time accompanied by my fellows. We dabbled when taking a raft tour of the river, we climbed to the top of mountain and took photographs there, we enjoyed feasts together, hanged out in that unacquainted charming city, and talked about the TV shows in the hotel room.
    It might be the last time we gathered together, relaxing ourselves and sharing happiness. But the memory will live on in me, never fading.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2014/12/17 13:03:50
    It was a graduation trip. We finally decided to end our high school time with a trip.

      The twenty-hour train transported (took) us to Guilin, the city where the scenery is the best in the world.

      The long hours on the train was much more interesting than I had thought. There were four sleepers in each individual room. We chatted,played cards and watched movies together as if in the dormitory. Then we got the definition the second morning.

      I was surprised that Guilin was a city without so many high buildings. Blue sky and soft clouds could be seen clearly without shelters, which was totally different from modern cities such as Shanghai or hangzhou.

      Although the fantastic sceneries and yummy foods we experienced (enjoyed) during those days were attractive and unforgettable, the most impressive memory for me was the precious time accompanied by my fellows. We dabbled when taking (having) a raft tour of (in) the river, we climbed to (on) the top of mountain and took photographs there, we enjoyed feasts together, hanged out in that unacquainted charming city, and talked about the TV shows in the hotel room.

      It might be the last time we gathered together, relaxing (relaxed) ourselves and sharing (shared) happiness. But the memory will live on in me, never fading.

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