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Changes in my dream
发布时间:2012-10-15 21:50:03 作者:吕娇娇  发布者:lvjiaojiao 浏览次数:3897  类别:英文作文   优秀指数:
[高中三年级] 江苏省 >> 南京市 >> 栖霞区

Everyone has dreams in their heart. My dreams are changing every time along with the times’ developing.

In my child, I hope I can become a teacher. While I looked my teachers standing on the platform, I admired and respected them very much. Teaching is a holy occupation which can make a great difference to someone.

Gradually, along with my age’s increasing, my dream changes. Once my grandfather died from illness, I had a idea to be doctor. Owning to looking my grandfather suffered pains from illness, I am willing to help those who are bearing diseases. I want to keep more patients from illness.

I didn’t certain my final dream until I graduated from senior middle school. I want to be a building engineer. It isn’t related to other elements, but only depended on my interesting. I love architecture and want to design. It’s my dream , I love this vocation.

Individual interesting can greatly increase one’s motive power. I will try my best to achieve my dreams regardless of what difficulties appear in the future.

  • 批改教师:王天艳 ( 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 罗庄区 >> 黄山镇 >> 黄山镇英语备课组 )
    批改时间:2012/10/16 20:14:35

    Everyone has dreams a dream in their heart. My dreams are changing every time along with the times’ developing. With the time development,my dream is changing.

    In my childhood, I hoped I can become a teacher. While I looked saw my teachers standing on the platform, I admired and respected them very much. Teaching is a holy occupation which can make a great difference to someone.

    Gradually, along with my age’s increasing, as I grew older, my dream changes changed. Once my grandfather died from illness, I had a an idea to be a doctor. Owning to looking my grandfather suffered pains from illness, I am willing to help those who are bearing diseases. I want to keep more patients from illness.

    I didn’t certain my final dream until I graduated from senior middle school. I want to be a building engineer. It isn’t related to other elements, but only depended on my interesting. I love architecture and want to design. It’s my dream , I love this vocation.

    Individual interesting can greatly increase one’s motive power. I will try my best to achieve my dreams regardless of what difficulties appear in the future.

  • 批改教师:杜宝红 ( 山东省 >> 泰安市 >> 岱岳区 >> 泰山菁华双语学校 )
    批改时间:2012/10/21 13:00:59

    Everyone has dreams a dream in their heart   hearts. My dreams are changing every time along with the times’ developing.Along with the time development,my dream is always changing.

    In my child childhood, I hope hoped I can could become a teacher. While I looked my teachers standing on the platform, I admired and respected them very much. Whenever I see the teacher standing on the podium ,I admire and respect them very much.Teaching is a holy occupation which can make a great difference to someone.

    Gradually, along with my age’s increasing, my dream changes. Once my grandfather died from illness, I had a idea to be doctor. Owning to looking my grandfather suffered pains from illness, I am willing to help those who are bearing diseases. I want to keep more patients from illness.Gradually,as I grow older,my dreams begin to change.Because of my grandfather passed away,I have a wish to become a doctor.I would like to study medicine,to alleviate suffering from diseases like my grandfather. 

    I didn’t certain my final dream until I graduated from senior middle school. I want to be a building engineer. It isn’t related to other elements, but only depended on my interesting. I love architecture and want to design. It’s my dream , I love this vocation.Until I graduated from high school,I'm sure my dream.I want to be an egineer,it depengs on my interest,and other unrelated.I love architecture art and design.I chase my dream.

    Individual interesting interest can greatly increase one’s motive power. I will try my best to achieve my dreams regardless of what difficulties appear in the future.

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