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1Research questions
发布时间:2015-04-23 10:05:45 作者:吴妹  发布者:18289771441 浏览次数:3081  类别:英文作文  
[小学一年级] 海南省 >> 海口市 >> 美兰区 >> 灵山镇

1Research questions

According to the purposes of this survey, three questions are explored as follows.

(1)What English vocabulary teaching strategies do the teachers often use in Hainan rural middle school?

(2)What is the current situation of English vocabulary learning in Hainan rural middle school?

(3) What are problems on English vocabulary teaching and English vocabulary learning in Hainan rural middle school?

3.2 Research Participants

In this research, in term of teacher, the author chooses all of English teachers who teach English in Dingan Pinghe Siyuan Middle School as the research participants. All of teachers teaching in different grades, of which two teachers from Grade Seven, three teachers from Grade Eight and three teachers from Grade Nine. Six English teachers are female and only two English teachers are male. In term of students, the author takes one hundred and fifty-five students in total as research participants, of which all of students from Grade Eight. One hundred and fifty-five questionnaires are given out to those students at that school. Because five questionnaires are invalid questionnaires that the questionnaire returning rate reaches 97%.

Therefore, all of eight teachers stand for the local teachers and the entire one hundred and fifty-five students from Grade Eight stand for the local students in the aspect of the English vocabulary teaching situation and English vocabulary learning situation. In a degree, the research is representative and universality. Thus, the survey mainly reflects the basic situation of English vocabulary teaching strategy in Hainan rural middle schools.

3.3 Research Instruments

The author applies two research instruments in this survey, which are the questionnaires and interview.


Base on previous studies on vocabulary teaching, the surveys at home and the surveys abroad, the author designs two questionnaires in the sight of the teachers and the students. The questionnaire is divided into two parts, one part reflects the basic information of the participants and another part is the questionnaire body.

Concerning the teacher questionnaire, it includes basic teaching situation and the situation of English vocabulary teaching strategy. There are some multiple-choice questions and subjective items in teacher questionnaire. The design of questionnaire refers to the questionnaire in "An investigation into the current English vocabulary teaching at Senior High School" written by Hong Ying in 2007. In the second part about vocabulary teaching strategy, it shows six common vocabulary teaching strategies, of which be proposed by Hu Ningwen (2009) on Vocational Technology in Fujian. These six strategies are pronunciation-spelling strategy, word-formation strategy, semantic strategy, context strategy, communication strategy and dictionary strategy.

As for student questionnaire, there are ten multiple-choices about the student’s learning attitude, cognitive factor and learning experience in vocabulary learning. The design of student questionnaire base on the theory of Robert Faith about the influence factors in learning and refer to the survey in "A survey on the English Vocabulary Teaching in Middle School and the Reform of college English Vocabulary Teaching "by Fan Zhenhui, Qin Junyan and Jiang Guihong. Therefore, in a degree, the questionnaires show the basic situation of vocabulary teaching and learning in Hainan rural middle school.

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