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Dear Editor
发布时间:2015-05-05 15:52:12 作者:白钰  发布者:bailongmei 浏览次数:3887  类别:英文作文  
[初中三年级] 内蒙古自治区 >> 兴安盟 >> 乌兰浩特市 >> 第八中学


Who they are

What they usually do to help others

Liu Na

make our school beautiful

Zhang Hua

Help other students with their studies

Wu Tong

Help the people in trouble




Dear Editor,

   In our school,some students are always thinking more of others and are ready to help them. I’m moved deeply. Here is what they usually do.

  Liu Na is a very good student.She is tall and  thin She’s  very beatifull . she makes with their in trouble studies,He is very friendly ,we all like he. Wu Tong  He is an handsome boy. He with a big smile on his face and get a glasses everyday,He is an kind hearted people.

  I hope everyone can lean from thon and do something for others.


  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2015/5/6 21:28:46


    Who they are

    What they usually do to help others

    Liu Na

    make our school beautiful

    Zhang Hua

    Help other students with their studies

    Wu Tong

    Help the people in trouble



    Dear Editor,

    In our school,some students are always thinking (always是一般现在时态的标志) more of others (more than themselves,固定搭配,“替他人着想”) and are ready to help them. I’m moved deeply. Here is what they usually do.

    Liu Na is a very good student.She is tall and  thin She’s  very beatifull这两句话是介绍刘娜外貌的,与“她日常做的事”关系不大).she makes with their in trouble studies这句话句法不通He (She) is very friendly ,we all like he (her,动词后接代词宾格). Wu Tong  He is an handsome (元音音素前不定冠词用an)boy. He with (has) a big smile on his face and get a glasses everyday (也是介绍吴桐的性格特点,和他平日乐于助人有关系,但关系不大),He is an kind hearted people.

    I hope everyone can lean from thon and do something for others (from them,向他们学习).


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