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发布时间:2015-05-19 20:40:56 作者:胡媛媛  发布者:eunice 浏览次数:3106  类别:英文作文  
[大学一年级] 广东省 >> 东莞市 >> 麻涌镇

In one night, I dreamed that I stayed at my home and I had a remote in my hand which I thought it was to control the TV, so I pressed the key to the front. To my surprise, my house moved to the front, but I thought it was the earthquake, so that I ran out quickly. After I running out, I found that it was not the earthquake, but my house had four big wheels at the bottom. Therefore, I pressed the remote again, so my house moved really, and it can also follow my instructions for the reason that when I said it turned direction or moved faster or slower, my house can understand and do all command. Then, I was so happy that I ran to my house and did a plan to travel all over the world with my families. On the second day, I control my house to go to travel with my families. In our way to travel, I saw many houses moving in highway surprisingly. In the end, I arrived in France with families by controlled my house.

   According to the website,I know that a house is a dream symbol of safety and security, and a house usually represents how you see yourself, or how you think others see you.From where I stand,I am really lack of sense of security,for the reason that I afraid of losing something I care ,and when I don’t know how to solve a problem,I will feel hopeless so that I will lose the sense of security.In fact,when someone escape from reality but not solve their problems ,they will feel not safety just like me.What’s more, I really pay attention to others how to see me,because others’ views for me is important that I can know that I do things whether right or not ,and it can help me improve myself.In my dream,I saw my house clean and warm,which mean that I am probably pretty satisfied.Actually ,I am satisfied for me cause that I can not only born in a happy family ,but also have a healthy body and many friends.Besides then,I study in university and learn knowledgy I like.

   After I dreaming the dream,I thought some ways to solve the dreams.On the one hand ,when I face every problems ,I must try my best to solve them ,and if I can’t solve them by myself ,I can also find someone help me.Then,I will strengthen myself so that I can endure pressure,have energy to solve problems and not lack of security.On the other hand,I should be do myself and not do other people think of me.I think that I do everything whether right or not ,there always are many people talking about my behavious.However, if others say something right for me ,I will Integrate my behavior to change and not only listern to others’words.


   The passage tells us that many researchers have tried their best to find our subconscious mind as you fall asleep,and there is a debate about dreams with the relation of unconscious mind ,but the dreams can unlock the mysterious images in people’s dream,so there is guide to help you find your dreams’ meaning and the truths about yourself. On the one hand ,the physical environment affects the dreams,as well as dreamers also have some common dreams and these dreams have the following kinds,which include their own meaning for you. On the other hand,the dreams have common themes,including nightmares and anxiety dreams,relationship dreams and Ex and cheating dreams.What’s more,when you explain dreams ,you should take the whole dream into context,but if you forget some information,you can write down the most important part of dream’s details.In the end,if you spend time to find the different symbols and themes in your dreams,you will know the meaning of your dream.

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