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On the significance of failures
发布时间:2015-05-24 16:49:05 作者:刘婧  发布者:静静做学霸 浏览次数:3260  类别:英文作文  
[大学一年级] 广东省 >> 广州市 >> 白云区 >> 太和镇


As the famous saying goes ”failure is the mother of  success.” No one would deny that this famous saying is known by professions from all fields. Despite the possible embarrassments that come with failure, I do believe that failure is of significance in our life.

First of all ,failure provides us with a solid foundation ,upon which we can build our success. A case in point is the Tomas  Edison ,after 100,000 times failed attempts to find a substance that suited a light bulb ,he finally settled on an improved filament as the right choice. His success was exactly based on 100,000 trails, which provided that failure can be the foundation of success.

Secondly, failure builds up our character and  makes us stronger .Those who lived in a comfortable life and enjoyed easy success are usually spoiled by the comforts and recognition. Bit by bit, they are less willing to take a risk in their life ,for fear of failure. They become delicate ,vulnerable and even timid .on the contrary ,those who experience failures would be tenacious, determined, and   adventurous . just as the saying goes ”what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. ” no  matter how miserable failures be, if we survive it and endure it ,we would become stronger and greater.

Thirdly  ,failure makes a man wise not rich and paves the way to success.”Maybe most of us have heard of the famous saying,” failure doesn’t mean you are a failure ,but does mean you have to make a change.” Everyone has a unique way to success. When it comes to how to succeed, it is always easier achieved in a wise way than done it unquestioning. Without a wise way ,one can never attain his goals easily. It is a wise way that contribute to the success of Jack ,result in the wonder of Great WallNo one can deny the fact that experience must be brought and no way is impossible to a wise man .it helps us overcome the failures and paves the way to success.

In conclusion, as the old saying goes” failure is the cornerstone for us to achieve success and the touchstone for us to excel ourselves” ,only when facing the failure with a stronger enough will and in a wise way will lead us to success.

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