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My college life
发布时间:2015-10-10 13:38:21 作者:书生的世界  发布者:2723665921 浏览次数:3170  类别:英文作文  

    I'm a freshman.The first day I come to my college,I was attracted by its beautiful scenery.I can't image that  college   is such a beautifui place.And after I  met my roommates,we became goodfriends and we help each other arranging luggage.I get along well with them.

    In the first two days,I visited the campus and knew  something about my college.I also communicated with seniors and some international students.I have learned many things about college life and I think my next life will be intersting.Now,the military training has started,and my college life also has started.I think I will have a good life.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2015/10/11 8:28:17

    I'm a freshman.The first day I come to my college,I was attracted by its beautiful scenery.I can't (时态错误,用couldn'timage (imagine,想象;image形象) that  college is (was) such a beautifui place.And after I  met my roommates,we became good friends and we help (helped with) each other arranging luggage.I get along well with them.

       In the first two days,I visited (表达“观光”的含义用sightseed) the campus and knew something about my college.I also communicated with seniors (不明确,大一新生freshman、大二学生sophmore、大三学生junor、大四学生senior)and some international (表达“外国的”用foreign)students.I have learned many things about college life and I think my next (coming,即将到来的) life will be intersting.Now,the military training has started,and my college life also has started.I think I will have a good life.


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