[大学五年级] 辽宁省 >> 沈阳市 >> 新城子区 >> 虎石台街
With sweat dropping down his cheek, a runner is making a spurt at the finishing line, restarting his journey around the track of a playground. As the caption says,"An ending is also a new starting." The man who has made his achievement is not seemingly to press the pause button.
To make progress means never to be satisfied with the excellent goals you have achieved in the past. Instead, painstaking effort is definitely always one kind of necessary composition to constitute one's success. A persuasive example is James Jobs, who kept developing his already-successful product of Apple, leading to novel types of electronic appliance available nowadays. Another classic one to support the view is the famous artist in the Renaissance-Leonardo da Vinci-who was never self-contented with his works.
In the matter of fact, the standpoint that an ending means a restarting not merely applies to individuals but, of course, also meets the requirement of the development of our country. Accordingly, the country on the whole should move forward in terms of politics, economy and culture so that she can reach a long-term destination. All in all, keeping making progress ought to be the right attitude towards life and work for everybody and even for a country.