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The Dwindling Chinese Business Ethics
发布时间:2015-10-18 20:04:34 作者:王晓飞  发布者:Tonyunique1990 浏览次数:2973  类别:英文作文  
[大学二年级] 新疆维吾尔自治区 >> 乌鲁木齐市 >> 天山区

The robust development of economy in China nowadays seems not to eliminate the worrisomeness of Chinese people. As is known to us, hogwash oil prevails in restaurants and snack stalls, counterfeit medicines can be found in drug stores and hospitals, brand clothes are copied, and daily necessities are churned out and thus they are of inferior quality. Besides, Chinese workers in almost every industry can not stop complaining about and suffering from the pressure and unfairness in their working surroundings. These can be seen everywhere, without the exception of those corporations with sound reputation, such as HP and Foxconn.
  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2015/10/26 9:01:04
    The robust (robust一般指人强壮有力,对事物来说还是用repaid) development of economy in China nowadays seems not to eliminate the worrisomeness (没有worrisomeness这个词汇,如果想表达“担忧”、“顾虑”的意思用concerns)of Chinese people. As is known to us, hogwash oil (hogwash的意思是“喂猪的泔水”,想表达“地沟油”要用gutter oil) prevails in restaurants and snack stalls and counterfeit medicines can be found in drug stores and hospitals, brand clothes are copied (要表达“山寨”的意思,用emulate更准确), and daily necessities are churned out and thus they are of inferior quality. Besides, Chinese workers in almost every industry(想表达“部门”的意思用sections比较好)can not stop complaining about and suffering from the pressure and unfairness in their working surroundings. These can be seen everywhere, without the exception of(用including更简洁)those corporations with sound reputation, such as HP and Foxconn.
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