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What do you think of smart cars?
发布时间:2015-10-19 15:05:35 作者:王丹  发布者:Emma_xioba 浏览次数:8931  类别:英文作文  
[大学一年级] 北京市 >> 朝阳区 >> 望京街道

  In the twenty-first century, growing people have realized that science which developing rapidly is changing our lives from everywhere. For example, much of our apartments were equipped with cctv, which can ensure the safety of the livers. Even the cars had combined with computers to make it convenient for us.

  It is universally acknowledged that smart cars brought us a lot of benefits. In the first place, smart cars could eliminate most of car accidents via electronic sensors which plays a quite important role in smart cars. Moreover, when you are getting lost or getting stuck in traffic jam, the computer of the smart car can provide its precise location to help the user find a right way. On the other hands, several people think that using smart cars will decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2015/10/28 14:16:50

    In the twenty-first century, growing people have realized that science which developing (动名词是不能作谓语的,可以用过去分词形式developed)rapidly is changing our lives from everywhere. For example, much (many,apartment是可数名词) of our apartments were (are) equipped with cctv (如果要表达“闭路电视”用C.C.T.V.), which can ensure the safety of the livers (想表达“直播”用live即可,还有一个更正式的词语表达“安全”的意思,security). Even the cars had combined with computers (想表达“信息技术”用information technology)to make it convenient for us.(文章的主题是“你对智能汽车怎么看?”但是前面却谈了很多其它东西,有些绕题了。

    It is universally acknowledged that smart cars brought (bring) us a lot of benefits. In the first place, smart cars could eliminate (reduce,智能汽车的应用不可能根除交通事故但能减少) most of car accidents via electronic sensors which plays a quite important role in smart cars. Moreover, when you are getting lost or getting stuck in traffic jam, the computer of (GPS in,不是车载电脑,而是车里的导航仪能告知方位 )the smart car can provide its precise location to help the user find a right way. On the other hands, several people think that using smart cars will decrease atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (论据不足,无法说明).

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