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发布时间:2015-10-24 20:41:09 作者:袁露菲  发布者:JeanNo3 浏览次数:4352  类别:英文作文  
[大学五年级] 辽宁省 >> 沈阳市 >> 新城子区 >> 虎石台街

It is symbolically demonstrated in the cartoon that two individuals behave in absolutely diverse ways in face of an overturned bottle. As the one on the left does nothing but sighs disappointedly, the other person, on the contrary, feels lucky and walks with a stride to fetch the bottle with some water rest in it.

The purpose of the cartoonist is to vividly reveal two kinds of folks who respectively take opposite attitude towards the same event-optimism and pessimism. Apparently, the former is of much more miraculous significance. To begin with, an optimistic feeling is bound up with confidence, which could be the key to the door with treasure of success behind it. Furthermore, kind emotion infects, leading those who are influenced by your enthusiasm for life to be willing to make friends with you. Thus, optimism not only plays an imperative role in one's career but, of course, is vital to his social intercourse as well.

The example that is of utmost persuasion may be the case of Helen Keller. Blind, dumb and deaf though, she conquered her handicaps and eventually became a worldwide famous writer, and also an inspiration to all owing to her positive attitude in confronted with unfair destiny. To sum up, only by taking an optimistic attitude can we get brave and encouraged and can we assure ourselves a happier, more fortunate life.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2015/11/3 23:02:36

    It is symbolically demonstrated in the cartoon that two individuals behave (behaviors) in absolutely diverse ways (attitudes) in face of (towards) an overturned bottle. As (While) the one on the left does nothing but sighs disappointedly, the other person, on the contrary, feels lucky and walks with a stride to fetch the bottle with some water rest in it.

    The purpose of the cartoonist is to vividly reveal two kinds of folks who respectively take (hold) opposite attitude towards the same event-optimism and pessimism. Apparently, the former is of much more miraculous significance. To begin with (Initially) , an optimistic feeling is bound up with confidence, which could be the key to the door with treasure of success behind it. Furthermore, kind emotion infects, leading those who are influenced by your enthusiasm for life to be willing to make friends with you. Thus, optimism not only plays an imperative role in one's career but, of course, is vital to his social intercourse as well.

    The example that is of utmost persuasion may be the case of Helen Keller. Blind, dumb and deaf though, she conquered her handicaps and eventually became a worldwide famous writer, and also an inspiration to all owing to her positive attitude in confronted with unfair destiny. To sum up, only by taking an optimistic attitude can we get brave and encouraged and can we assure ourselves a happier, more fortunate life.

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