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发布时间:2015-10-25 20:21:50 作者:袁露菲  发布者:JeanNo3 浏览次数:3320  类别:英文作文  
[大学五年级] 辽宁省 >> 沈阳市 >> 新城子区 >> 虎石台街

Confusedly, a mounting number of students graduated from college are staying still, in front of whom there are four paths that respectively stand for the following alternatives: to find a job, to pursue postgraduate studies, to go abroad and to run one's own business. And the caption beside the picture says,"choice".

The purpose of the cartoonist is to vividly and symbolically reveal the confusion of those who are upon graduation. After all, as distinct choices might lead them into different fields, diverse requirements are also needed. Firstly, job hunters are bound to take part in practical work, in which manner is in need of not only professional skills but, of course, social intercourse abilities as well. Secondly, spirit of innovation may be of the utmost significance in the circumstance of studying further either abroad or not. Certainly, individual financial situation should be taken into account additionally. Thirdly, neither ambition nor personal ability could be absent if someone decides to become a successful entrepreneur.

According to these various requests, it is in my view that young graduates ought to make a careful consideration both personal interest and capabilities are included. All in all, whatever option they choose, a suitable alternative is an optimal one.

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