批改教师:郝文越 ( 山西省 >> 晋中市 >> 平遥县 >> 中都乡 >> 中都乡桥头小学 )
批改时间:2012/10/29 13:31:03
Hi, this is I amyour friend Qiao Shi Ling. Iam going to have a busy weekend ! (this is用于向第三者介绍自己的好友。)
On Saturday monning, I am going to the supermarret. Iam going to buy some foods. In the afternoon, I'm going to boorstore . I am going to buy a coimc book . On Sunday afternoon , I am going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch TV together. That will be fun ! What about you ? What are you going to do on the weekend?
批改教师:王天艳 ( 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 罗庄区 >> 黄山镇 >> 黄山镇英语备课组 )
批改时间:2012/10/29 20:20:38
Hi, this is your friend, Qiao Shi Ling. I am going to have a busy weekend !
On Saturday monning morning, I am going to the supermarret supermarket. I am going to buy some foods. In the afternoon, I'm going to boorstore bookstore. I am going to buy a coimc comic book . On Sunday afternoon , I am going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch TV together. That will be fun ! What about you ? What are you going to do on the weekend?
批改教师:冯琼英 ( 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 罗庄区 >> 黄山镇 >> 黄山镇英语备课组 )
批改时间:2012/10/31 10:58:25
Hi, this is your friend Qiao Shi Ling. I am going to have a busy weekend !
On Saturday monning(morning), Iam going to the supermarret. I am going to buy some foods. In the afternoon, I'm going to the boorstore . I am going to buy a coimc book . On Sunday afternoon , I am going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch TV together. That will be fun ! What about you ? What are you going to do on the weekend?
Your weekend is busy and funny.
批改教师:杜宝红 ( 山东省 >> 泰安市 >> 岱岳区 >> 泰山菁华双语学校 )
批改时间:2012/11/4 13:19:49
Hi, this is I am your friend Qiao Shi Ling Qiao Shiling . Iam I am going to have a busy weekend !
On Saturday monning morning,Iam going to the supermarret supermarket. Iam I am
going to buy some foods food. In the afternoon, I'm going to boorstore bookstore . I am going to buy a coimc comic book . On Sunday afternoon , Iam going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch TV together. That will be fun ! What about you ? What are you going to do on the weekend?
批改教师:王爱云 ( 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 罗庄区 >> 黄山镇 >> 黄山镇语文备课组 >> 三年级 )
批改时间:2012/11/17 21:23:03
Hi, this is I'myour friend Qiao Shi Ling Shiling. Iam going to have a busy weekend !
On Saturday monningmorning, Iam going to the supermarretsupermarket. Iam going to buy some foodsfood. In the afternoon, I'm going to boorstore bookstore. I am going to buy a coimc comicbook . On Sunday afternoon , Iam going to visit my aunt. We are going to watch TV together. That will be fun ! What about you ? What are you going to do on the weekend?