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发布时间:2015-12-14 15:50:16 作者:陈兆龙  发布者:chenzlnow 浏览次数:2838  类别:英文作文  
[大学四年级] 山东省 >> 济南市 >> 市中区 >> 舜耕街道

  What is illustrated in the bar chart shows considerable changes have taken place in terms of the emission of pollute water. Specifically speaking, the volumn of emission showed a dramatic increase tendency from 2006 to 2011 while it witnessed a slight decrease from 2011 to 2013. However, it reincreased in a year of 2013.

  Personally speaking, there are at least three compelling reasons which are responsible for the distinctive changes. To begin with, advance in industrialization is the foremost driving force which bring about large amount of pollute water. In addition, it lies in the fact that people’s awareness of environmental protection has been weaken gradually.

  As far as I am concerned, government is supposed to undertaken the responsibility to control the continue expansion of emission. Government can issue some necessary legislation to prohibit polluting. Raising citizen’s awareness of environmental protection plays a crucial role in avoiding the problem.

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