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发布时间:2016-02-20 10:27:56 作者:张凌薇  发布者:qq0C7CE2F5 浏览次数:2787  类别:英文作文  
[高中二年级] 山东省 >> 聊城市 >> 阳谷县 >> 博济桥街道

The Communication with Animals

The language is the most wonderful thing in the world. People have always believed that language is unique to humans. But in fact, language in terms of its essence is a kind of public affair. As for me, I am firmly convinced that animals also have its language. Maybe in the future, humans can communicate with animals in some tools.

When you surf the Internet, you can always find some videos about the communication between pets and their owners, for example, a smart cat said,” I want to eat fish!”, and a couple taught their dog said ”I Love You! ” These let people doubt that animals can really talk to people. It’s unpredictable. But now, just imagine, imagine that you can communicate with animals face to face, what would you like to do?

As for me, first and foremost, I will let it tell me its life, because animals’ life is always a riddle. Is their life is colorful as humans? Is their life also has crime and murder? How can they chat with partners? And most I want to know is how animals think about humans, thankful or hateful? With the help of this communication, people can reflect on their own faults and correct it, make the harmonious coexistence of people and animals come true. Secondly, due to the curiosity of the animal kingdom mystery, I want to communicate with some specific fauna species, such as bees, elephants, birds and lemmings. Because I want to know why the lemmings jump into the ocean collectively, why do the birds have crashed to the light source and commit suicide, and how bees and spiders create their houses. These can help us know more about the life of animals and promote the progress of human knowledge. Last but certainly not least, it’s useful to pet owners. If human can communicate with pets, they can know their pet really want to do instead of guessing, this will make the pet and his master more deep feelings. It goes without saying that People and animals communication technology will certainly is a milestone in the field of biology.

As a saying goes,” Action speak louder than words.” With the rapid development of science and technology, one day, human and animal dialogue scenes may realize.

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