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发布时间:2016-03-02 10:21:09 作者:里呢的  发布者:lglglg 浏览次数:2887  类别:中文作文  
[大学一年级] 湖南省 >> 长沙市 >> 岳麓区 >> 岳麓街道

 In order to investigate the influence of oblique compression shear method and conventional triaxial test to the test results, the red sandstone and marble were tested by the oblique compression shear method on INSTRON1346 and the conventional triaxial test on MTS815. It was found that the shear strength parameters, cohesion and internal friction angle was less than the conventional triaxial test. Low cohesion was mainly because the sample shear force in the oblique compression shear test in 2D, but in conventional triaxial test he sample was stressed in 3D. Meanwhile, in the oblique compression shear test the rigid contact between sample and mould caused torsion. The result of cohesion by oblique compression shear method was less than by conventional triaxial test. The low degree of red sandstone is about 4.6 times of marble. As the brittleness of red sandstone is higher than that of marble, leading to cut stress decomposition. When the tilt angle was low, rock prone torque and shear stress decomposition, so the shear force increased and declined. Therefore, in the oblique compression shear test of brittle materials should be increased the tilt angle. Lastiy, in order to avoid the damage of rock, When the rock is in two dimensional stress conditions, we should control the load limit rather than the limit of displacement control. When the rock is in three dimensional stress conditions, we can control the load limit and displacement loading limit, which provide convenience to choose the method of measuring the shear strength of rock reasonably

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