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Social Activities and our Study
发布时间:2016-03-06 14:09:01 作者:韩铠圯  发布者:14120113 浏览次数:3919  类别:英文作文   优秀指数:
[大学二年级] 北京市 >> 延庆县 >> 康庄镇

  When is comes to social activities ,we can the thoughtof study. Learning advanced techndogy,learning in dealing 

withpeople,leaarn to improve yourself,and learn to survive in society.

  We are life always study.Study can make one to make  progress.So study there is no end.Always have a lot of new

knowledge appear. Study these new knowledge is our social activities.

  Why for us  social activities is very important? Because we live in this wold. The wold because social there are so there are .And we for  social activities is important. When our fou the first time  start  social activities. Our don't know what is reght and what is wrong. Take the initiaive to study can for our quickly get rid of this kind of trouble. Then better to live in social. It is very important.

  So  social activities and our study is go hand in hand. We must keep in mind that.

  • 批改教师:汤超然 ( 云南省 >> 昆明市 >> 西山区 )
    批改时间:2019/7/30 9:42:26

    When is comes to social activities ,we can the thought of study. Learning advanced techndogy,learning in dealing

    with people,leaarning to improve yourself,and learning to survive in society.

    We are life always study.Study can make one to make  progress.So study there is no end.Always have a lot of new

    knowledge appear(there is always a lot of new knowledge appearing). Study these new knowledge is our social activities.

    Why for us social activities is very important? Because we live in this wold. The wold(world) because social there are so there are .And we for social activities is important. When our fou the first time start social activities. Our(we) don't know what is reght and what is wrong. Take the initiaive to study can for our quickly get rid of this kind of trouble. Then(be) better to live in social. It is very important.

    So social activities and our study is go hand in hand. We must keep in mind that.

    点评:针对social activity VS schooling提出了自己的见解,具有思辨精神,值得肯定,但存在过多中式英语,致使无法解读篇章意义(黄句子),希望同学在平时多感受本土英美文学,学习地道的英文表达,可确定为三类中作文,最终得分:12分(满分25分)

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