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发布时间:2016-03-27 20:08:56 作者:沈皆亮  发布者:774829365 浏览次数:3500  类别:中文作文  
[大学二年级] 安徽省 >> 芜湖市 >> 鸠江区 >> 官陡街道

Reaction to ''one weiter's beginnings''

     Welty has developed strong love for books as she was very yong , all her achievement of   as a writer began with her whole famility although it's very featureless. Her parents had maked sacrifices to buy books for the household, and they  were all the while carefully selecting and ordering away for what they thought their children should grow up with, they  bought first for the future, as we can see ,all her parents did is for their children.

      A book that is shut is but a block. Welty grow up in a far-sighted family which is attentively on   educatio.When she was a child,her mother read to her at any time of a day ,any room in the house,even that when she was sat churning. Accompany with her growth ,she gradual contact touch her parents' books-world.No matter how the book stained,flecked and tattered, they were  shelved lined in the bookcase waiting for the reader--Welty.

      She lived in gratitude to her  parents for initiating herself— as early as her begged  for  it, without keeping  she waiting — into knowledge of the word, into reading and 
 spelling, by way of the alphabet. They taught it to her at home in time for she  to 
 begin to read before starting to school.  It's very luckly for Welty so that she could write and heard too as they go, in the same voice that she heard when she read in books.

      The foundation of knowledge must be laid by reading and at the same point ,a British 

writer said ''General principles must come from books, which, however, must be brought to the test of life.'' That are all right.But then, think about ourselves,we are under the press from every where to read,to learn! We could't fall in love with learning inwardly because of this and that, but why we not spend a litter time every on reading  with the book that we are interesting in?



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