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Which do you prefer,urban life or rural life
发布时间:2016-09-06 23:45:56 作者:耿成博  发布者:1033751217 浏览次数:3047  类别:中文作文  
[大学二年级] 辽宁省 >> 抚顺市 >> 望花区 >> 建设街道


With the rapid development of the whole society,more and more immigrants come from countries packed into cities continuously to realize their dreams. However,a minority of the citizens areyearning for the rural life .Which do you prefer,urbanlife or rural life?

As a citizen of a small city,I am found of living a urban life.It is well known that most of the cities are more morden than its countries.That is to say,its infrastructures are almost perfect.You can find whatyou need without striking a blowing.The traffic is alsoconvenient for us all,although sometimes jam will make you mad.The most important point is that the kids can get better education in the city as he born.

Cities are also full of challenges and chances.You can experience more than in counties.There are alsosorts of jobs you can choose,your talent can be shown completely.You can even design the city by your own.  Cities invested with the workers’sweat and joys,the graduate’s dreams and tears.


  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2016/9/7 8:31:29

    With the rapid development of the whole society,more and more immigrants come from countries packed into cities continuously (constantly,持续不断地) to realize (chase,追求) their dreams. However,a minority of the citizens are yearning for the rural life .Which do you prefer,urban life or rural life?

    As a citizen of a small city,I am found (fond,喜欢) of living an (元音音素前加an)urban life.It is well known that most of the cities are more morden than its countries (rural areas).That is to say,its (their,主谓一致) infrastructures are almost perfect(不符合实际情况).You can find what you need without striking a blowing.The traffic is also convenient for us all,although (although不能放在句中,改为though) sometimes jam will make (drive,让……) you mad.The most important point is that the kids can get (recieve,接受) better education in the city as he born (since they were born,从他们出生以后).

    Cities are also full of challenges and chances.You can experience more than in counties.There are also sorts of jobs you can choose through which (英语中逗号不能并列两句话)your talent can be shown (presented,展示,show的同义词) completely (有些绝对,改为properly).You can even design the city by your own. Cities invested (witnessed,见证了) with the workers’sweat and joys and the graduate’s dreams and tears.

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