[小学一年级] 黑龙江省 >> 哈尔滨市 >> 南岗区
The film Guasha Treatment shows the culture difference among countries. Datong is a migrate for eight years ,in the America, he achieve a great cause and have a harmony family. But through a misunderstand about Guasha Treatment make him upset.I saw a lot of culture differences between Chinese and American through this film .For example :
In the aspect of family ,individualism is the predominant orientation in the United States, but in China , the family in the first place, in the film, Datong is typical representative as Chinese people.In the aspect of treat parents ,Datong don't want his father to be taken that crime.Chinese people think that being a scapegoat for family members especially for father or mother is a responsibility. But American put honesty in first place.In the film,there is a plot that is impress with me is that Datong hit his son in the front of his good friend . Datong think he is saving his friend's shame .But his friend think he hardly can't understand.In the aspect of treat friend ,Datong's friend said the fact about Datong hit his son ,he think he said what he saw,but to Chinese that is a betray, good friend should be keep his benefit anytime.
We can't blame the westerner culture in this case , and how we should deal with it? Ancient Chinese have given us the answer: While in Rome, do as Rome dose. But we also should not abandon our own culture,.