There is a widespread concern over the issue that how to describe winning. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.Shakespeare once said:“There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes.” A majority of people think that winning means being rich.Some people hold the idea that winning means being powerful.There is no doubt that each of us has our own understanding of winning.From my perspective,always being determined to achieve new goals means winning.My reasons are as follows.
First of all,no one always wins.We may lose many battles in our way to success.However,if you are confident that you will win eventually,you are the real winner. Abraham Lincoln went through dozens of setbacks in his life.But he always reset his goal when facing difficulties.So,we can conclude that he is an absolute winner.
Secondly,ambition is essential to an winner.If you lost your ambition(even though you are rich),you are not an winner.Winner will always fight for new dreams.
In conclusion,always being determined to achieve new goals means winning.