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Difficults of Learning English
发布时间:2012-12-02 17:48:40 作者:杨世路  发布者:201211030121 浏览次数:2857  类别:英文作文  
[小学一年级] 陕西省 >> 西安市 >> 西安石油大学

    Some students are very good at learning English pronunciation ,They speak the ianguage beautifully. Othey students,however,fin  it difficult to learn accurate English pronunciation.What then makes the difference?

    There are in my opinion .four reasons that account for the difference .First.and perhaps the most significant,was the mother tongue.The closer the student's own language is to English to start.thegreater the chance of achievement. Secondly,the learner'attitude to pronunciation makes the difference,students who believe in the importance of pronunciation tend to make more progress.Third,contacting with native speakers of the langnage has strong positive effects on pronunciation .Fourthly,andpossibly the least important,was the student's own natural ability.A goodear and the ability to imitate help,but are far less siginificant than the other three factors

    We can't change the first factor--the mother tongue.but we can control the second and the third.Therefor we can have considerable influence over our own progress with pronunciation

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