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difficult in learning english
发布时间:2012-12-03 13:09:52 作者:李鹏  发布者:dz120210 浏览次数:3115  类别:英文作文  
[小学一年级] 陕西省 >> 西安市 >> 西安石油大学

Difficulties  in  learning  English

   Today.  We are in university , however  english  is also a important  subject and more important for us .to be honest the college English ask more hard work and patience ,in addition the unique perspective is important as well.

  First the spoken English .we have studied English for exam. We learned this word how to spell but not care how to speak this word .so we don’t have the ability to speak and listen. Second the college English require more new words. Those words are not same to senior school’s. they are too long and difficult to remember . next the college English ask us have a new and good view to say a story or tell people a pionion .last we don’t have a pleasant environment to study English . in the morning we prefer to sleep on the bed rather then to practices our English .

 We have difficulties in learning English , but we should bravery face difficulties ,no matter how difficulties we must try our best to study it .


  • 批改教师:冯琼英 ( 山东省 >> 临沂市 >> 罗庄区 >> 黄山镇 >> 黄山镇英语备课组 )
    批改时间:2012/12/4 14:28:06

    Difficulties  in  learning  English

       Today(Now).(,)We(we are in (the)university , however,english  is also a animportant  subject and more important for us .to(To) be honest, the college English ask more hard work and patience ,in addition the unique perspective is important as well.

      First the spoken English .we(We)have studied English for exam. We learned this word how to spell but not care how to speak this word .so(So) we don’t have the ability to speak and listen. Second the college English require more new words. Those words are not(the) same to senior school’s. they are too long and difficult to remember . next the college English ask us have a new and good view to say a story or tell people a pionion .last we don’t have a pleasant environment to study English . in the morning we prefer to sleep on the bed rather then to practices our English .

     We have difficulties in learning English , but we should bravery face difficulties ,no matter how difficulties we must try our best to study it .


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