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发布时间:2012-12-07 13:24:51 作者:小艺  发布者:75384021 浏览次数:4331  类别:英文作文  
[大学四年级] 山东省 >> 泰安市 >> 泰山区

    The cartoon token describes a bottle had fallen down, with half water pouring out.To the sence,two men responded differently.One man feeling extremely sad,sighed"It'all over."The other ran to raised up the bottle and said with gratitude "How lucky we still have a half left."The contents expressed in the picture are both meaning and thought provoking.

    Actually,the fallen bottle is a symbol of unfornunate occurrences in our life,and the two characters'reflections,optimistic and pessimistic.A man with negative and pessimistic attitude only see the losses with complaining and upsetting.On contrary,the man with positive and optimistic mentality,can pay attention to the left what he can use,and take advantage of them to sucess and happiness.

    In the face of the misufortunes,in my opinion,people should adopt an optimistic attitude,Being sad and giving up can't solve the problem.Taking science for instance,not a single great dicovery is made without overcoming numerous setbacks and failours.Only we have a positive attitude we can be aware of the latent opportunities and then overcoming the misfortunes.Hence ,never yieleling,never tiring,never gumibling.The door of successful and happiness will open for you when you decide to confront the misfortunes with a optimistic attitude.

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