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political interaction
发布时间:2012-12-17 21:58:58 作者:田广宇  发布者:tgy2008131 浏览次数:3042  类别:中文作文   优秀指数:
[大学一年级] 山东省 >> 青岛市 >> 黄岛区

Indirect and ambiguous are the features of the Japanese political interaction.
The Japanese tend to give very little explanation as to what they mean and their answers are often very vague. They dislike saying no and will not tell you if they do not understand.
If they disagree or do not feel they can do something, they will make a statement like “it will be difficult.” This usually means they do not feel they can do what you requested. Or ,they will say about something what are almost lost in the verbiage.
They often leave sentences unfinished, allowing the other person to finish it in their own mind.
The Japanese do not judge information given to them so they do not indicate agreement or disagreement. They only nod to indicate they are listening. To the Japanese nodding or saying “yes” only means they are listening to what you are saying. It does not indicate agreement.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2013/1/9 17:36:49

    Indirect (动词,用indirection)and ambiguous形容词,用名词ambigution)are the features of the Japanese political interaction.
    The Japanese tend to give very little explanation as toon)what they mean and their answers are often very vague. They dislike saying no and will not tell you if they do not understand.
    If they disagree or do not feel they can do something, they will make a statement like “it will be difficult.” This usually means they do not feel they can do what you requested. Or ,they will say about something what are almost lost in the verbiage.
    They often leave sentences unfinished, allowing the other person to finish it in (on)their own mind.
    The Japanese do not judge information given to them so they do not indicate agreement or disagreement.这个不可能。)They only nod to indicate they are listening. To the Japanese nodding or saying “yes” only means they are listening to what you are saying. It does not indicate agreement.


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