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It depends on us
发布时间:2012-12-18 12:16:18 作者:majian  发布者:majian 浏览次数:3543  类别:英文作文   优秀指数:★★
[大学五年级] 北京市 >> 海淀区 >> 中关村街道

With a boom of today's science and technology, more and more techno-gadgets filled with our lives. Now we can not work efficiently without digital products and furthermore most of us are accustomed to bringing their own gadgets in the leisure time. Obviously techno-gadgets have become an indispensable part in our life.

From our life experience, the digital products are changing not only from large to small, and are increasingly concentrated in powerful. Now we can access the internet and connect to the whole world as long as there is a wireless connection. Moreover, instead of bringing the books here and there, we can read them via the eBooks wherever we tend to study. In summary techno-gadgets make our life more colorful and convenience.

Everything has two sides and digital products are not exception. Techno-gadgets have not only brought us convenience, but brought us more and more lazy quietly and many people play phones when they are in a meeting or in class. Worse still, the gadgets are harmful to our health since most of us spend at least 8 hours of time against the high-definition screen on a phone or computer.

Although techno-gadgets may cause some negative effects in our life, human beings can take some action to reduce the negative impacts. We can dominate the time of using digital equipments and make efforts to less the health damage through the developments of science and technology. So whether the techno-gadgets are good or not, it eventually depends on human beings.

  • 批改教师:王思捷 ( 作文批改网 )
    批改时间:2013/1/9 17:25:36

    With a boom of today's science and technology, more and more techno-gadgets are filled(固定句式within)our lives. Now we can not work efficiently without digital products and furthermore most of us are accustomed to bringing their own gadgets in the leisure time. Obviously techno-gadgets have become an indispensable part in our life.

    From our life experience, the digital products are changing not only from large to small, and arebut also,不仅......而且......)increasingly concentrated in powerful. Now we can access the internet and connect to the whole world as long as there is a wireless connection. Moreover, instead of bringing the books here and there, we can read them via the eBooks wherever we tend to study. In summary techno-gadgets make our life more colorful and convenience.

    Everything has two sides and digital products are not exception.(exceptedTechno-gadgets have not only brought us convenience, but brought us more and more lazy quietly句式不当,用Although...,“虽然......,但是......”)and many people play phones when they are in a meeting or in class. Worse still, the gadgets are harmful to our health since most of us spend at least 8 hours of time against the high-definition screen on a phone or computer.(话语没什么语法错误,但手机伤害我们的是辐射而不是屏幕

    Although techno-gadgets may cause some negative effects in our life, human beings can take some actions to reduce the negative impacts. We can dominate the time of using digital equipments and make efforts to less the health damage through the developments of science and technology. So whether the techno-gadgets are good or not, it eventually depends on human beings.


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