[大学一年级] 北京市 >> 昌平区 >> 北七家镇
As far as my experience with the problem of the relationship between learning and community activities, the effective cure for it rests with the following major steps.
Firstly, learning is the first. When learning and activities of conflict, I always believe it that the most important thing is study. No matter how important this community activities. Whenever I feel confused with learn and activities, I always tell me that learning is my most important job.
Another step is to know how to tell right from wrong. My experience has led me to recognize that it has many activities for us is of no use in the community. So to concentrate on something useful. And the most important step is to learn to relieve pressure. In the past, I used to busy learning and activities. But now I have come to realize that there are always some parts of our life over which we have little or no control and that, by both asking for and offering help, we can strengthen personal relationships and lighten each other’s load.
If you feel overwhelmed with the problem of the relationships, therefore, you might as well try the above and may be surprised to find the same holds true for you.