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How to Deal With Chronically Killing Time Indoors
发布时间:2016-05-16 21:03:53 作者:罗天鹏 发布者:15985364581 浏览次数:2593  类别:我的随笔  
重庆市 >> 沙坪坝区 >> 重庆大学

Nowadays we cannot ignore the reality that people in mounting numbers more or less have a social phobia, in other words, have an autism. One of the leading factors in this is that they chronically killing time indoors instead of walking in the open air. It goes without saying that chronically killing time indoors has a great harm to psychology health of people.

There are many factors resulting in chronically killing indoors. Among these, modern electronic products play a vital role. Because of these products, people almost do everything on the Internet without going out. The convenience of Internet lets people lazier than past. What's more, they regard it as the free room, in which they can do what they like. As a result, they have more chances to have an autism.

Considering the great harm above-mentioned, I think It's high time that we took effective measures to prevent being addicted to killing time indoors. Firstly, people must have enough knowledge about the harm of it, which can help you reduce the time spent indoors. Secondly, you should more join outdoor activities and make friends in reality. Thirdly, find out the aim of your life and make a proper plan to make an achievement. To sum up, try your best to change your unhealthy lifestyle.

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